Spy-bot Search & Destroy - Detect & Remove Spyware
Computer Protection
Norton Anti-Virus - Protect your computer
Thunderbird - Easy, safer EMAIL PROGRAM
Ad-Aware - Protection from Data-Mining Parasites etc,etc.
Resources & Stats
Statistics Canada - Canadian Statistics
Nation Master - Compare Data of various Countries
Info Canada - All about Canada!
LifeLabs - Book your Appointment
Kids Health - Children's Health
Web MD - Get answers about your health.
National DO NOT CALL List - Stop Telemarketing
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Google Earth (download)
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P2P File Sharing Programs
Downloads - Software, etc.
Product Reviews - Get educated before you buy!
Phone Busters - Canadian Anit-fraud call centre
Merck Manual - The Merck Manual of Medical Info
School Finder - Canada's Premier Education Guide
Pleasure Craft Operator Card - Get it online
World Fact Book - by the CIA
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PDF Online - Convert files to PDF ( eg.  .pub to PDF )
Rate MDs.com - Rate your doctor
AVG anti-virus - FREE - Protect your computer
Light Image Resizer by Obvious Idea
OpenOffice.org - FREE office software suite
Bit Torrent - Download BitTorrent 
Online File Conversion
ZamZar - Free Online File Conversion
Image Resizers
Office Viewers
PDFconverter.com - Free Online File Conversion
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Excel Easy  - fully illustrated Microsoft Excel tutorial
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Snopes- largest fact-checking site on the Internet
LibriVox - free public domain audiobooks
Audio Books (free)
Excel Tutorial by http://excel.officetuts.net
Audio Trimmer - audio & mp3 cutter
Audio Software
Audacity - multi-track audio editor and recorder 
Jpeg Compressor 
Winmaildat.com - Convert to read these pesky email files
Work Management Software
Wrike - Work Management Software